
Article from the Life Recovery Bible “But to you who are willing to listen, I say, love your enemies! Do good to those who hate you. Bless those who curse you. Pray for those who hurt you. ” Luke 6:27-18, NLT As we set out to mend relationships, there may be some things that are beyond […]

Redefined in Christ

“Either way, Christ’s love controls us. Since we believe that Christ died for all, we also believe that we have all died to our old life.He died for everyone so that those who receive his new life will no longer live for themselves. Instead, they will live for Christ, who died and was raised for them. […]

God’s Hand of Healing: Day 3

“The king of Aram had great admiration for Naaman, the commander of his army, because through him the Lord had given Aram great victories. But though Naaman was a mighty warrior, he suffered from leprosy. At this time Aramean raiders had invaded the land of Israel, and among their captives was a young girl who had been […]

Holy Week Reading Plan Day 3: Faith

“But Jesus said, ‘Peter, let me tell you something. Before the rooster crows tomorrow morning, you will deny three times that you even know me.’” Luke 22:34, NLT Article from the Life Recovery Bible It is easy to lose faith when we are troubled. As we are buffeted about by the storms of life, we may […]

Jesus Calms the Storm Reading Day 2: Stormy Situations

John 6:16-21, NLT “That evening Jesus’ disciples went down to the shore to wait for him. But as darkness fell and Jesus still hadn’t come back, they got into the boat and headed across the lake toward Capernaum. Soon a gale swept down upon them, and the sea grew very rough. They had rowed three or four miles when […]

Pursuing Freedom

Serenity Prayer Devotional from the Life Recovery Bible “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.” Amen “The angel of the Lord appeared to him and said, ‘Mighty hero, the Lord is with you!’ ‘Sir,’ Gideon replied, ‘if the Lord is with […]

Bondage Breaker

“I was so excited when I got my Bible. I’ve spent the whole day reading it along with some other girls and I already feel closer to Jesus.” – Crystal Crystal’s words challenge me. I love the Bible, but when was the last time I spent the whole day reading it? Am I still excited […]

1 Samuel: A Catalog of Lives to Learn From

Book Introduction from the Life Recovery Bible The book of 1 Samuel begins with the birth of the prophet Samuel and ends with the death of King Saul. It contains a catalog of lives for us to learn from—some exemplary, others not. Samuel was born in the time of the judges, when “people did whatever […]

Removing Deeper Hurts

Taken from the Life Recovery Bible 12-Step Devotional for Step 6 “We were entirely ready to have God remove all defects of character.” When we are upset, we often depend on our addictions to make us feel better. As we get rid of our addictions, we must face the deeper character defects that God wants […]

Real Freedom Found Behind Real Bars

Women in Prison Unlock Hope and Healing with The Life Recovery Bible By Stephen Arterburn, Editor, The Life Recovery Bible I was raised in Bryan, Texas, so I did not think it was unusual to be opening a letter from a woman who lived in Brazos County near Bryan. What follows was anything but usual. She wrote: […]